Nexus-Shinozaki Transport & Logistics Nexus Fashion Logitech Co.,Ltd.

Infogate’s CSR

As an affiliation of the Nexus group, InfoGate is a vital part of the Nexus logistics service offering. Together with the spirit of ‘Kansha Ho-on,’ InfoGate aspires to prosper with people, company and society. Our CSR commitment encompasses the virtues of ‘Kansha Ho-on’ by responding to the various needs of an ever-changing modern society.

Because of our exposure to public facilities such as roads, buildings, ports etcetera and our commitment to support the supply chain of your company, we have formulated an operational policy according to the three keywords: safety, security, and stability.

In 2007, a “Three K Vision” was incorporated into our business portfolio to address our CSR concerns along with a focus on the three growth sectors (environment, health, and the welfare of the elderly).


Information Management System

Due to the enactment of the Personal Information Protection Law of April, 2005 (based on the BSI (British Standards Institution) and the ISMS (Information Security Management System)), our company has made a series of countermeasures to maintain secrecy and prevent the leakage of information.Awarded ISO27001 certification.

Information Management System